Every week this summer, we’re challenging you to get together with a few friends to explore a part of Azeroth that you may not have seen in a while, or perform a feat that you may have never done. We’re calling them World of Warcraft Summer Challenges, and we’re going to be playing along with you as we hunt down rare achievements, get screenshots of amazing bosses, and try to find some rare gear for our transmogrification sets.
This week's challenge: The Sunwell In this thread, we're talking about this week's challenge, posting stories about experiences completing it, and linking to screenshots. Furthermore, if you've thought of something awesome to do while exploring The Sunwell (that we didn't include in the blog post), this is the place to say so! |
I know Thanks for the reminder! I've added it to the list in the blog post: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/6975098 |
Wowhead has the bow dropping about 7% of the time: http://www.wowhead.com/item=34334 |
Soloing sunwell is pretty fun (granted you have to sneak around the first boss). Brutallus is an incredibly challenging boss to do by yourself. I think it's best to go in with as many friends as possible. It's more fun, and there's a better chance that the drops you don't want will be wanted by someone you can celebrate. |