In my opinion it is about time that we get pets, mounts and transmogables as reward from pvp. I don't mean gladiator mounts but like 1600 would give you some sort of pet, 1800 would give you tabard and 2k would give you mount. (Normal ppl can't get glad mounts and tabard of brute force sucks)
These would change every season. This, if anything would be a good way to make ppl pvp. I also think that players who play pvp are more loyal customers than levelers and raiders so this would benefits Blizzard too :)
PvP players have Meta achievements that offer vanity rewards. "The Arena Master" and "Battle Master" offers a title, "Master of Isle of Conquest" offers a tabard and there are, as Tentimer mentioned, many other titles that can be gained through PvP. This subject was already touched on slightly by the “Gear in PvP” thread by Rasen where he spoke about getting cosmetic rewards in PvP over gear upgrades. The difficulty that is present with vanity rewards in PvP is that they cannot work the same as for PvE. Gating for rewards using ratings would be cool but these are similar to what is already awarded for the end of each season. Just requiring honor and conquest points takes away the prestige of the items because they would then be achievable by everyone. So this begs the question of what kind of achievements do you think would be good for something such as this in PvP? |