Every week this summer, we’re challenging you to get together with a few friends to explore a part of Azeroth that you may not have seen in a while, or perform a feat that you may have never done. We’re calling them World of Warcraft Summer Challenges, and we’re going to be playing along with you as we hunt down rare achievements, get screenshots of amazing bosses, and try to find some rare gear for our transmogrification sets.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/6213569/ In this thread, we're talking about this week's challenge, posting stories about experiences completing it, and linking to screenshots. Furthermore, if you've thought of something awesome to do in AQ40 that we didn't include in the blog post, this is the place to say so. |
Thanks for pointing that out. I've fixed the link. |
It can't be used for transmog so it's just for fun, but my guild and I run AQ40 every once in a while (including last week before we saw this) hoping for Thank you for reminding me of that! I've added it to the blog post, and I'll look for it to drop for my group this week. |
Awesome! I ran it with a group of friends that came and went, and averaged around 10. Got a *lot* of rep gains, and a couple of drops that I'm keeping for later use in a transmog set that I didn't even know I wanted until I was inspired by them. I'm really glad you had a blast. Next WoW Summer Challenge coming up soon™. |