Not a whine thread. But my understanding was Blizzard liked feedback. Well here it is.
I like my damage as a warrior. My gear is less than top tier, but it feels on the upper end of the scale of all the classes damage when I can stay in combat. But then that is hardly the reason I am walking away from the class in terms of PvP.
My dissatisfaction lies in the fact I spend all my time in CC and I simply get to watch as I die. My cool looking damage just isn’t worth the frustration. I think that the game has become quite balanced around the growing number of CC abilities, but that warriors just aren’t in that particular loop. We don’t have the ability to stay in range even when we aren’t being outright CC’d, but just slowed. Ours is 50%, making it the second worst slow I can think of, the worst being Mind Flay. We haven’t half the ability to close a gap other classes can create. Since I also want to Pin them with Hamstring, I risk them dodging/parrying it too.
“Nothing wrong with a warrior a healer cannot fix”
True, but before you let that get to you head, there’s nothing a warrior gives a healer another class cannot do better.
Though over the hills and far away Pandaria looks bleaker still. With all our heals being made a choice when they are all a bit of a joke now unless you are Fury specialised. So twisting the same logic on it’s head, I have lots of time to come back to a warrior if Blizzard agrees with my, and seemingly many other warriors assessments that they are just not balanced at the moment.
My suggestion;
Ability – Huddle; Reduces damage taken by 4% and heals 4% of your total hit points over 10 seconds when you are struck by a Stun, Disorientation or Immobilization. Stacks 5 times.
I feel quite different about that actually, with Double Time and Juggernaught, Bladestorm, Safeguard and also Avatar; warriors will have a nice little array of abilities to escape snares, roots and other abilities. If you rotate these abilities well, you could have quite a nice amount of up time.
I really think that sounds like a cool idea. My personal feeling is that it would be awesome if Avatar was able to be toggled with a health or rage per second cost. But we will have to wait and see as to how the warrior class develops into the future of the Mists beta. :) |
I feel quite different about that actually, with Double Time and Juggernaught, Bladestorm, Safeguard and also Avatar; warriors will have a nice little array of abilities to escape snares, roots and other abilities. If you rotate these abilities well, you could have quite a nice amount of up time.
I really think that sounds like a cool idea. My personal feeling is that it would be cool if Avatar was able to be toggled with a health or rage per second cost. But we will have to wait and see as to how the warrior class develops into the future of the Mists beta. :) |