I was in the middle of reading Dalrians thread and it was deleted. Deleted. Not "this is why we're locking this one guys", but expunged so that most people would be entirely unaware it ever existed.
I'm not going to mention what it was about etc. Suffice to say there was no trolling, spamming etc. There was however pretty sensible discussion of something that B evidently finds embarrassing.
I am *honestly* surprised. I accept that pvp is a minor facet of WoW and the majority of Bs effort will be directed at pve. However I didn't believe that they would treat the pvp community with actual disdain.
It may have been misjudged, or poorly communicated, but the deletion of that thread was nothing less than hiding the dirty laundry. It ought to have been handled in a more open and grown up manner.
So, do you truly believe B have any respect for the pvp community? Or the players in general? Given the quality of the game experience do you feel your money is well spent each month?
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