Hi all, I’m a new 85 and have been running regulars dungeons to gear up using justice points. My gear level is high enough to do some heroics but to be honest, I don’t know any of the heroic boss mechanics and don’t want to be the reason for wiping a group.
I also just want to have fun playing the game and don’t really want to spend time researching the strategies to play with others, especially when I know I’ll forget them when I get to boss the first time.
I guess my question is: how did you guys learn the boss strats? Did you just queue up and run heroics and learn as you went? Did you just tell the group you were new and hope for nice people to explain the fights to you? Did you run with guildies?
There are already some great suggestions in this thread. Between fan sites, the journal, learning with friends or guild mates, and just being honest with other players ("It's my first time on the heroic version of this boss, but I've done it on normal and I've read the strats online") you should be in good shape.
If you find that you're forgetful, it's also easy to bring up the journal quickly before a pull. Also, now that players are running around in gear that's pretty beefy on average, there's usually some cushion for newer level 85 players. Kudos to you, for asking questions! |