Well as it stands right now I would LOVE to implement the item API but there are a few things that are just holding me back from doing so. Don't get me wrong. I can implement about 80-90% of the item API right now. It would entail god-knows how many hours of setting up just database look up tables for vendorID, creatureID, professionCreatedbySpellID, itemSetID, and objectdropID. You guys did save a lot of time by implementing the quest lookup. But it's just not enough at this point. Things I would love to be implemented:
Lookup jsons for ItemSource -> SourceIDs. Currently right now you only give the SourceID and the SourceType which can be "VENDOR", "CREATURE_DROP", "GAME_OBJECT_DROP", "REWARD_FOR_QUEST", "FACTION_REWARD", "CREATED_BY_SPELL", "ACHIEVEMENT_REWARD", or "NONE" (there could be more but so far that is all I could locate). What I suggest is to either have something similar to the quest lookup or have it part of the ItemSource field but with something like "fields?=sourcemore" which gives extended info on the ItemSource. If with the former though you could allow for devs to use it in conjunction with the character pets field to allows for more info about the Hunter pet currently available.
This one is not as big of an ordeal but it can be a pain to keep a database updated for it: Item Set lookup. When looking at a set item, you provide the item number for the set however there is no way to actually look up info on the set, specifically the name of the set.
Currently with the SocketInfo section, you only provide a list of what each Socket color is. it would be nice if the Socket Bonus number is also provided. Neither the item API nor the character API provide this number.
Specialty cost please! This is the main culprit on why I'm not implementing the API yet. There are just too many items that require specialty items (whether it's Honor Points, Conquest Points, Justice Points, Valor Points, Tier/Arena Tokens, or any other specialty token). Currently there is nothing in the API that shows this. The only thing in the API right now is gold value costs.
A way to differentiate "On Use" and "On Equip" in the itemSpells section. Currently this is not indicated which it is.
Provide a Stats section to gemInfo section. Currently you just provide the Name (which technically does have what is provided but would require some Regex parsing to get what I want) as well as srcItemId, requiredSkillId, requiredSkillRank, minLevel, and itemLevel.
Provide more than just one source in the itemSource Section. Currently only one sourceID is provided even if 3, 5, 100 possible sources are available. I'm not saying to supply all 100 possible sources just say the first 5 or 10 sources.
Possible Random Enchant ids. I requested this before but I'm re-posting once again. It would be nice to have this info available in the Item API and save a lot of trouble for a lot of people
A way to show Heroic and/or Elite status of an item. Theoretically, I can figure this out just by the vendor or creature/container sourceID if I know up-front what they sell/drop, but for items I don't know the sourceID info (say Ultraxion's heroic id) it is hard for me to tell up front if the item is Heroic or not.
Though not really a request for improvement but more of a clarification, anyone know what ItemSpells -> CategoryID refers to? Most of the Spells I found have a CategoryID of "0" but for
Flask of Steelskin, I get a "79", and for
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest vehicle transformation spell, I get a "330". One would think this would be used for On Use spells, but for something like
Apparatus of Khaz'goroth which has a varying On Use amount to it, provides a CategoryID of "0"