SOMEONE ASKED WHETHER BLIZZARD HAD GIVEN UP ON US - You should read on, however how you view (agree or disagree) the post will depend on how long you have played. Though I would love to hear what the community has to say on this because it does include all of us, so please feel free to respond - its our community after all.
In terms of giving up, I wouldn't say that, you see there was never much there in the beginning. The real work comes from the 'think-tanks' making up new ways to keep you working/grinding without having to add new content. One of the most common methods of this format is to take something away from the game only to bring it back later on in a different format. The pathetic part is that it's self-sustaining with a cycle of around 2-3 years.
First batch of people play WOW (vanilla) and they love the game so they continue to play, however over time those people are continually exposed to the methods Blizzard employ to keep players from achieving end-game (i.e. the format of removing content only add it again later, or changing game structures to make events longer/shorter etc) after a period of time that batch feel undermined so they begin to leave as their long-term interests are not being met, but that doesn’t matter because their numbers have been replenished by new members (Blizzards extensive advertising campaign) so as each batch of players (TBC,WOTLK,Cata) do their 2-3 year shift they tire of being undermined and decide to slow down or stop, but they cannot convince the new group what is going to happen regardless of their insight because they will only learn through experience.
The biggest let down is that Blizzard has all but completely exhausted this cycle and there aren't enough new batches coming through to keep the cycle buoyant so the whole process has started to decay.
This is the current problem faced by Blizzard. Had they just looked after their initial group of players and built upon that original foundation this game would not be in the situation it currently finds itself. Also, this example is only applied to the Western sphere of players. Asia and the Far-East are only now beginning to get exploited with this cycle, so plenty of money still to be had from them. Now it is this desensitization that I find most distressing. If you ever watched an old sci-fi series called Star Trek then you could basically say that we (Western Society) are the Borg in that we've "adapted" (doesn't work on us anymore) to their undermining methods of making extra money (delays, hype, rotating old content, welfare epics etc etc) so basically Blizzard have realized we're adapting and have simply decided to move their interests elsewhere (Eastward) where the people haven't adapted. Had they done things differently they could have made everyone happy and made a hell of a lot more money, but I don't think they'll lose much sleep over it, or my post.
Good luck.
It is, hence the reason why this thread has been locked. |