Hey Horde
As the post says we are looking primarily for an experienced Affliction Warlock, Boomkin and a Fire Mage from xrealm for regular RBGs (I would also be happy to hear from any other players beyond 2k + rating) on Tuesday and Thursday from 20:30 - 23:00
Why are we looking?:
Alliance ratio is greater than the Horde on Defias Brotherhood, with a lot of the best pvp'rs moving over to the Alliance to join their RBG teams that are around 2.4k - We are one of the last Horde guilds on Defias doing RBGs and struggling to find an experienced Lock and Boomkin who know their classes well and can keep up the damage with our top dpsers.
Minimum 1750 exp in arena in 3v3 or 5v5 OR 1800 rating in RBGs, full cataclysmic gear, good knowledge and experience with said class you would like to join with.
Who are we?:
<Solace> PVP Guild on Defias Brotherhood EU, Currently around 1900 MMR, As a guild we have hit 2k rating the last two season's but now struggling to push beyond as all we run into are DoT cleave teams which 90% of the teams above 2k are made up of - Cant beat em, join em.
Aiming to hit 2.2k as a minimum target by the end of Cataclysm.
Do we have any other open spots?:
If you're an experienced Fire Mage or Shadow Priest OR any player with 2k + Rating I would also be interested in hearing from you our web address is http://solace.darkphpbb.net/
Ok so I'm interested, what do I do next?
Make a brief post with your LiveID on the guild site so someone from the guild can get in contact, post on here if you are interested or make a character and contact myself on Defias Brotherhood from a char on Ciscero, Cisera, Cisara or Ghobe OR finally add me on skype: Narceus88 - but leave a comment regarding this post in the request note.
There is a nice thread here that you can use to both look for members and groups to play cross realm rated battlegrounds with: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3484159549
Please post any cross realm rated battleground LFM or LFG messages there :) |