- http://wow.joystiq.com/2011/07/23/thralls-return-to-the-horde-and-more-lore-from-san-diego-comic/
- http://www.gameplanet.co.nz/pc/games/175626.World-of-Warcraft-Mists-of-Pandaria/features/138733.20120319.Blizzards-J.-Allen-Brack-on-Mists-of-Pandaria/
Is anybody else as tired of Thrall as a primary character as I am? I was hoping he would be more like Tirion Fordring - a major player for an entire expansion and then kind of taking a backseat afterwards, especially with Aggra and a newborn in the picture.
The situation with Garrosh feels like the best time to introduce or build up an Orc character that really deserves it (my personal favorite is Zaela from the Dragonmaw Clan). It's just a bit disappointing that it's being used to refocus on someone who has already had quite a bit of focus.