Welcome to the Community News! There is always some interesting news, fan fiction, comic, artwork, guide or machinima that is worth sharing. In this blog we will provide you with a recap of this week's latest news and community highlights!
Thrall Figurine
Check out this cute figurine of the former leader of Horde, Thrall, sculpted in polymer-clay by a Polish player known as Ventas. Its details and polish amaze, considered the scale and material used.
Dragon Aspects Article
The WoWjuju site features a nice article about the Dragon Aspects and their past, present and possible future.
Latest Pulse Episode
Lumin has launched another wild Pulse episode covering some of the latest WoW news and updates. It is the silence before the storm, but an exciting silence it is.
Worgen Tattoo
A WoW fan named Clay McCay recently had a very impressive tattoo of a Worgen finished, covering his entire back.
Found something cool or want to share your own creation? Check out our Facebook and Twitter pages as well as our official fansites throughout the week, if you want to stay on top of community updates as they become available.
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