We’ve just updated our Mists of Pandaria Talent Calculator to reflect many of the most recent changes and renovations currently being made to the next expansion of World of Warcraft.
We’d like to discuss these and other changes to talents and specializations in this thread. Here are a couple of thoughts to start with: • For shaman and hunters, we still have a ways to go with the revamp of talents, and this latest calculator doesn’t have some of the changes that we’re currently working on. • If you don’t see a favorite spell in the talent list, there is a good chance it is something you get automatically for choosing a particular spec. For example, all Fury warriors learn Raging Blow without having to choose it as a talent. All Discipline priests know Divine Aegis. Chances were almost certain that you were going to choose those anyway so we just gave them to you. • If you don’t see a favorite spell or mechanic as a class ability, spec ability or talent, then there is a good chance it is becoming a glyph. Examples include Atonement (priest), Gag Order (Warrior), Rude Interruption (Warrior), and the Acts of Sacrifice Cleanse component (Paladin). Feel free to have a look at the updated calculator, and then discuss it here! |
Question: Why did attacks using % weapon damage drop so much?
Answer: We are in the process of recalculating the way damage is dealt. Individual weapon damage is going up by the same proportion in order to keep DPS at level 85 about the same. This should ensure that, at lower levels, these abilities aren’t overpowered. |
Question: Why doesn’t every spec get a passive ability at level 10?
Answer: Some specs no longer need them. For example, Fire mages don’t get bonus damage with Fire spells – they just have mostly Fire spells to cast. Some hybrids still need passives to differentiate their DPS, healing, and tanking trees. Furthermore, we can always add more if the need arises. |
Soon. |
Got a question regarding Protection Paladin and Crusader Strike/Hammer of the Righteous Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous still share a cooldown, with a base of 4.5 seconds for both specs. Sanctity of Battle can lower this cooldown for Retribution. |
Warlock stuff looks mostly good, new soul fire seems incredibly powerful. Only thing that looks not so useful is the new Mannoroth's fury, KJ's cunning and Archimonde's Vengeance are both pretty compelling options but Mannoroth's fury seems too niche atm. I think expanding upon the auto-cleave mechanic that it used to be would make it comparable to cunning or vengeance. Some warlock clarifications for you: |
Question: Why didn’t the priest tree change?
Answer: We are still in development. It is a challenge, when giving players a sneak peak at work in progress, to decide when to release what we have versus waiting to accumulate even more changes. Q: Do Discipline priests have Prayer of Healing or not? A: Our current design direction is this: Holy does AE healing with Prayer of Healing, and Discipline heals with (a much more powerful than today) Holy Nova. Divine Aegis would work with Holy Nova under this model. However, please see the question above. The priest tree is still in heavy development. |
I have some concern not over the talent trees themselves but of some changes being made to certain class/specs...specifically prot warriors. The way I'm reading the trained skills, revenge's cooldown is being raised to 9 seconds, shield slam is still 6, and devastate is still 4.5 That leaves a lot of gaps in a normal tanking "rotation." One of the reasons I like to tank on my warrior is that there is, provided proper rage management, always an attack to perform. I do not like, for example, prot pallies because they're cooldown-based and not resource management based. We are iterating a lot on tank rotations right now. We want rage (and all tank resources) to be something players actually use for mitigation, because we think that will be more fun than having a resource that gets ignored. Under this model, Protection warriors can’t have many DPS abilities that cost rage, because rage will be too valuable for Shield Block and Shield Barrier on fights where survival is a challenge. An ability with no resource cost needs some kind of cooldown or it will just be macro’ed and / or spammed, which isn’t a lot of fun. Prot warriors have a lot of abilities to manage: Shield Slam, Revenge, Devastate, Thunder Clap, Shield Block and so on, as well as several emergency buttons to handle situations such as streaming adds. We’re okay with melee specs having an occasional free GCD, as long as it doesn’t happen with frustrating regularity. |
Some clarification on rogues:
Shiv applies concentrated effects of the active utility poison. Those effects are not included in the poison tooltips currently available in the calculator. They are as follows: |
Please note: the current iteration of the talent trees just shouldn't be viewed as the result of success or failure of player lobbying efforts or feedback. I cannot overstate how much we appreciate all of the feedback we get. We spend a lot of time reading it all, and compiling it, and sharing it between teams here. Nonetheless, if the measurement of successful feedback is that the developers implement a suggested idea, then expectations are too high. We are going to continue to work on all of the talent trees until Mists is released. |
Mostly taken from http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/4063167982 --
Question: What is "base mana regeneration"? How does mana regen work for casters (or mages)? Answer: Healers get a significant amount of mana regeneration from Spirit, even during combat. Additionally, all mana users have a small amount of mana regeneration -- currently about 1% of maximum mana per second. With Invocation, that 1%/sec is removed. Things like Innervate will still allow you to regenerate mana, but you won’t passively regenerate any with Invocation. Question: What is the range for Alter time concerning the "moves too far away" part? Answer: 100 yards. It’s mostly just to indicate that it won’t reverse taking a portal to Dalaran or something. Question: Is AM a proc? Answer: Yes, Arcane Missiles is still activated via a proc from your other direct damage spells. Question: Does Arcane Bomb have a target limit? Answer: Currently, no. We’re hoping it won’t be needed. |
A couple of Tanking concerns I have off the top of my head. Thunder Clap is free for Protection warriors, and it applies a dot. Shield Slam and auto attack to generate rage for Shield Block. Most other offensive attacks are free (for Protection), except for Heroic Strike and Cleave, which are intended to be used only in times of excess rage (which should be less common than today, but still occur with reasonable frequency). Improving tanking rotations is always challenging. If tanks have too many abilities to manage, then they are overwhelmed in fights that require a lot of boss positioning or add management. If tanks have too few abilities or a very simplified resource, then they get bored on single-target boss fights with limited movement. Part of our design intent is to have tank resources tie into survivability instead of threat, since we (and tanks) place more emphasis on the former. |
The intent of Spirit Shell is to provide a frequent-use absorb that recreates some of the gameplay where Disc priests put absorbs on lots of their teammates. This was a style many Disc priests told us they enjoyed, but was difficult to balance with Power Word: Shield (since PW:S is instant). At this point, think of Spirit Shell as Heal and Power Word: Shield as Flash Heal. |
Evangelism is a spec spell for both Holy and Disc (at least for the moment – things could still change). The talent calculator appears to be incorrect on this. Shadow has Dark Evangelism. |
Question-that's-actually-an-exclamation: But we loved Corpse Explosion!
Answer: Yes. You do. So do we. Unfortunately, requiring a corpse felt like too steep a requirement for a competitive talent. We would like to still add Corpse Explosion in some form as a glyph. In the meantime, hey presto! - Unholy Blight is back. |
Question: Does Holy Insight mean Intellect plate is going away?
Answer: No. That passive (and appropriate classes should have an equivalent) gives casters larger mana pools than non-casters of the same class. Mana no longer increases with Intellect, but we still want to make sure that, for example, a Holy paladin can cast more heals than a Retribution paladin. |
I have a question about the Druid level 87 ability, Symbiosis. Here's the process: Here are some examples of spells gained through Symbiosis. The spells shared focus on utility, cooldowns, and survival. (Adding Fireball to a Moonkin’s rotation sounds cool on paper, but wouldn’t actually be fun in the long run.) Balance: Chains of Ice, Mirror Image, Mass Dispel Feral: Feign Death (Play Dead!), Frost Nova, Soul Swap Guardian: Ice Trap, Fear Ward, Consecration Restoration: Ice Block, Hand of Sacrifice, Leap of Faith Hunter: Dash Warlock: Rejuvenation Holy Paladin: Rebirth Arms/Fury Warrior: Enrage Enhancement/Elemental Shaman: Solar Beam There are a lot more coming, but we'll keep some surprises for now, and many are still subject to change after testing.* *Including all of those just listed. |
I just want to say that I'm really really excited about the talent/spec stuff for warlocks. I feel we have gotten such a cool set of updates. My favorite stuff (which I actually wouldn't mind seeing more of) are the talents and spec stuff that requires us to sacrifice health. In a lot of games this type of class or character can be called a "blood mage", taking health from ones self or allies do do serious damage to enemies. Making great sacrifices such as sometimes sacrificing family members (in some very lore heavy games) to wield immense power. I'm not really suggesting that we should be able to walk around org and sacrifice petty citizens for damage upgrades (all though it would make for an interesting game :-p), but I just really like that model of play/class. Wild Imps has not been cut. The code for it simply wasn't ready in time for this talent calculator update. Here, I'll show it to you! http://twitter.com/KaivaxBlizzard/status/170195844048498690/photo/1 More warlock stuff for you: Here is what Dark Soul looks like today: Affliction: http://twitter.com/KaivaxBlizzard/status/170197610542546944/photo/1 Demonology: http://twitter.com/KaivaxBlizzard/status/170197739458666498/photo/1 Destruction: http://twitter.com/KaivaxBlizzard/status/170197869423378433/photo/1 |
I don't see Teleport and Portal spells anywhere for mages. Should I be concerned or is this an oversight and we actually DO have it but it's not listed? Fear not! Mages will still have all their Teleports and Portals. At this point, we decided to hide them from the talent calculator to reduce clutter. |