No seriously, they do. I've been in queue for six hours (as of the time of this post) for game time I purchased for a friend through the digital store. I suppose it was just bad luck they decided to release a new mount on the same day my friend ran out of game time, at least that was my original way of thinking until I found out....people that have ordered the mount after I have ordered the game time have gotten their mounts. Multiple people in fact. So that tells me Blizzard is far more interested in cattle shooting everyone though queues for a one time $25 payment for a vanity item while shafting those wanting to pay to play the actual game.
I realize a lot of people will say "Oh it's Blizzard they can do as they want/they're just making money." But I still have the right to my opinion and the right to voice it and share it with others. I do not believe this is good business practice and it's really rather crappy of Blizzard to do.
/end rant
No seriously, they do. I've been in queue for six hours (as of the time of this post) for game time I purchased for a friend through the digital store. I suppose it was just bad luck they decided to release a new mount on the same day my friend ran out of game time, at least that was my original way of thinking until I found out....people that have ordered the mount after I have ordered the game time have gotten their mounts. Multiple people in fact. So that tells me Blizzard is far more interested in cattle shooting everyone though queues for a one time $25 payment for a vanity item while shafting those wanting to pay to play the actual game.It is unfortunate timing and our phones are also experiencing difficulties, this has nothing to do with you personally in paying for game time or buying a mount, our website seems to be going through heavy traffic at this time and all there is to do right now is wait. I know this does not solve your issue, but please be patient while we work on restoring service and helping everyone as quickly as possible. |