TL;DR: More hybrids gives pure players that don't want to level alts more options, and increases the duration of play time they can get out of each tier. Thanks for your ti[/li]me.
What bothered me was that the option I found held the most potential, making everyone hybrids, was deemed to be an unrealistic amount of work and [this is what bugged me] not something they'd do because drastically changing a class would bother players.
Hi, my name is Pauladean. I'm a paladin and you've completely redesigned my class an average of two times and expansion.
I've played for 2-3 years, since early Wrath, and before on a previous account back to Vanilla that my baby brother now plays on. And for one, you're right. It is pretty frustrating. But I feel like this is one time where it's actually really needed. I have four 85s. I love them all for their different reasons. But one thing that is frustrating to me has been playing pures is that there are simply too many dps and not enough healers and tanks in the game.
Giving everyone more role option would drastically change the game, and I think give people a lot more to do before burning out on content. On my paladin, when I got tired of healing, I went back to tanking. Which was a great break for our tank who got to dps some. More role options means more raid fluidity.
But Paula, how can a [______] tank or heal? It doesn't fit in the lore.
Why allow me to explain some great possibilities:
- Combat Rogues
"swashbuckler who uses agility and guile to stand toe-to-toe with enemies."
Sounds like a bear druid to me... why not give them some more mitigation, decrease their damage a little, and let them share armor with bears. Heck, that'd give tank leather more of a place in the game.
Beast Master Hunters/ Demon Locks
Definitely would require some tweaking, but we've already seen WHU show that pet tanking 5 mans can be doable with current builds. And it would be a completely unique tank system for people tired of cleave spam.
Arcane Mages
Why not healers? In most games, healers are white mages. Arcane mages could use spells that speed up recovery and slow damage, using time itself to mend wounds. You could even throw in some lore about these magics opening up with certain changes that happened at the end of Cata.
Just some ideas. But the point is this: people like flexibility and you're more than likely not going to be able to balance all the 48,568 dps specs if you haven't by now. I think it would be a solid investment to open up the game to more options.
I've always said that one thing I liked about Blizz was, if something needed to be done right, they did it right. More than anything, it just stuck that it seemed like you wouldn't explore a redesign because it was too hard.
TL;DR: More hybrids gives pure players that don't want to level alts more options, and increases the duration of play time they can get out of each tier. Thanks for your time.