Not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet, nor if it was fixed at 4.3.2. already. I want to point it out already just to make sure.
Rated Battlegrounds. Since the change that was made to letters with accents, people from the targeted realms are shown as a bunch of questionmarks for other language realms.
It should not be underestimated how highly confusing this can be for the opponent team and how it can mess up a game. It is pretty much impossible to call out a proper target FAST on any communication device if all enemy characters are described by.. a <snip> bunch of questionmarks.
I'm begging you, please fix it. It is a HUGE advantage for those russians.
Thank you everyone in this thread for reporting this to us.
Do you by chance remember when and where this might have occurred and which character you were on? Please provide, your characters name and realm as well as an approximate time that you were against a full Russian team. If anyone else encountered a similar issue, please feel free to provide the details here. |