You’ve probably heard the good news by now: there is now a dedicated Portuguese realm especially for those who prefer to play with other Portuguese-speaking players! If you didn’t already know how, this post will help you find out how to play on this realm. It’s actually quite easy:
First, click on "Change Realm" in your character view. You’ll find the button above your character list.

Now you will be taken to the realm list. Make sure that you have selected the English tab.

The next step is to sort the realms. You can sort realms by their name, type, the number of characters you have on them, and by their population. We want to sort them by their realm name, so just click on "Realm Name".

Now all you have to do is to look for "Aggra". The realm will be labeled “Aggra (Português)”.

That’s it! You found the Portuguese realm. We hope you enjoy it and have some great adventures there.