We’ll be performing urgent rolling restarts on all realms beginning at 10:00 a.m. PST, with an additional hour of downtime for the realms listed below. The rolling restarts are expected to impact each realm for approximately 15 minutes once they begin, and the realms below are expected to be available again by approximately 11:00 a.m. PST. We apologize for the short notice and appreciate your patience.
Antonidas Anub'arak Blackwater Raiders Bladefist Borean Tundra Cairne Cenarion Circle Cenarius Darrowmere Drak'Tharon Drenden Echo Isles Farstriders Fenris Garrosh Hydraxis Hyjal Korialstrasz Lightbringer Maiev Misha Mok'Nathal Moon Guard Nazgrel Nesingwary Nordrassil Quel'dorei Ravenholdt Rivendare Shandris Shu'halo Sisters of Elune The Forgotten Coast Tortheldrin Uther Vashj Winterhoof Wyrmrest Accord |