First of all sorry for my bad english.
I know this has been discussed on a lot of topic alredy,but i would like to expand this discussion and hear others opinions on the topic, also i hope with MoP in this phase Blizzard dev team still reads feedback on the stuff they plan on putting on.
Basically my and i am sur a lot of others druids problem is, that the feral forms dont care for aur gear, while others show of there awesome looking weapons and enchants and sets, we are stuck with almost the same models and textures. (yes the flamescythe was a good idea, good start blizz).
-My first thout was that Druid forms should scale with gear lv, but that would still not make differance between 2 druids having 2 tipes of weapons or armor sets.
-My second thout is to give Druids an page in the skill book with an Customization to there for each item they get 1 customization.
Like : Shoulders and Helm could let you change your furr to have runes, tattos , spots or simply color. Ofc dephending on what you have on. The better the gear is the cooler the looks are. (think of a ghostly runed bluring catform for a real fat gear)
What could be customized? : Eyes, furr, Claws, Tail, Armor(in bear form i guess) Ect...
Why would the devs bother making all this only for us to make look cool, is what you all ask?
I tell you, becosue we deserve it. Actually more then others since we are looknig at the same models for years now. Exspecially those who only have 1-2 mains.
-The other reson is becosue : the devs make new skins effects armor textures and models for each expansion and patch, but feral druids dont benefit from that AT ALL. Its like we are banished and PUNISHED for PLAYING THE CLASS !!! From the biggest part of WoW, the loot. Dont be unjust with us devs, i know its a lot of work but we do really deserve it!
---Think of it : you walk down in sw and "holly !@#$ look at the cool pally, awesome gear" . But you wont inspect evey plain catform druid just becosue they stand there. But this way Druids would be like : "Finally i got the new set i have my Green burning eye glow. " And others would see on druids right away : "cool, he raids Xy raid and got xy item"
On talents for MoP i could say the new talent system is awesome for druids, becouse with this we finally become the hybrid class we used to be. Same goes for Shamans and Paladins.
-Trough i am not sure in that, it all dephends if blizzard remakes the skill lists to. Sharing skills for all Druids will be awesome. We get aur flexibility back finally.
-Excluding we wont becosue of gear. When you use int gear you cant tank. Thats why i think the Feral heart talent should be made a passive instead of a coldown skill. I am sure not all would use anyway. Trough its kin of powerfull so i guess Blizzard has to find a way to implement it in some way other thank passive .
Whell more coming soon. I hope you all coment your opinions, and support he idea with your feedbacks, or ideas so we can improve this all to an usefull state, and it can be an upgrate to the game experiance!
I think it would be cool if Druids could somehow unlock different visual effects that complimented their shapeshifting forms, for example through having "good enough gear".
I think there's merit to the idea of having gear somehow show on Druid forums. But as Takralus kinda says, it's probably just wishfull thinking for now. That's why I'd suggest visual effects instead. They wouldn't change the way your forms looked, they would just add something to them. So it wouldn't deliver on the point of making gear visible, but it would help make a well-geared Druid feel a bit more special than a level 30 Druid in terms of looks. Imagine if you could unlock permanent effects for your Druid forms similar to this: ![]() ![]() That should not be difficult to add to Druids. I mean, there's already a ton of those effects in the game. There's everything from the Onslaught Raven Bishops in Icecrown who have small shadow ravens flying above their heads, to the weather effects of ![]() Edit: Spelling. |