Does blizz come and pull over the corporate blind fold? Does blizz not support human rights? Does blizz not have their own department for this sort of thing? And no where on the forum rules does it state you are not allowed to talk about things that can help other people.
Blizz it's time to lift that blind fold and let people talk to one another as a community. Some things are so important they should not be hidden the posts you delete at times are done with complete randomness. Do you scroll through up and down hella spin in your chair close your eyes select a thread and press delete? I mean come on lets be mature blizz this ain't high school you can feel free to use words like an intellectual individual. The difference between us an animals is we have intelligence and communication skills is that not one of the critieria for your job application when you applied to work at blizz along with 4 years pref of customer service experience?
Of course if you mods at blizz have any experience with people then you know just kicking the can down the road always causes more noise then just picking it up. So do us all a favor and pick up this thread and let us know why you personally as a blizzard employee delete what you delete and why so you can set an example of your expectations.
I am asking you to draw the line and make it clear. Lets be rational blizz let us be reasonable. So tell me what is a typical thread that is subject to deletion and what are not. Examples are your way of sharing your expectations to us the forum users.
Thank you for responding and taking the time to provide customer service and proving how reliable blizzard entertainment can be. Let this be an example of your customer interaction / relation skills. Being social should be in the job description as a forum moderator so please share what you expect of a forum user on your forum.
To: All Community / Support Forums
From: Your Faithful Subscribers