Part 2 is here :
I believe we should have this implemented in the game.
Its wrong that it isn't and the other 2 full threads clearly explain why.
In the case of the old Honor system it’s no longer available like Molten Core is. We know who participated, what they achieved, when, and we can in this instance restrict those specific items (some of which were arguably more difficult to obtain than any raid has ever been) to the people that earned them when the system existed. It’s also worth noting that people's time investments, even at level 85 and going back and doing these old raids over and over to build a full set, is not inconsequential. It's not accurate to compare raid item drop rates (regardless of character level) now, to current honor gains and their comparison to the original honor ranking system. We do agree that the restriction to the specific characters that earned those titles kind of sucks. It’s the player that earned those items, really, not any specific character. If we had a way to make them account-wide right now, we would. We can’t, but account-wide achievements are planned for Mists of Pandaria, and we hope to be able to include Feats of Strength with that system, which would open up these items to all characters on that player's account. It's also worth reiterating the point made in the original reply I made "while keeping the door open to reward them to more people in the future." We'd like to find ways to make these items available to players who didn't earn them through the original system, while keeping them prestigious for those that did. Lastly I want to apologize that this restriction was not communicated before the patch was released. As much we hope to be in front of messaging any changes before they're implemented to ensure you're well informed and can plan your play schedule with these things in mind, it doesn't always happen. For that we are sorry if anyone was looking forward to using these items for transmogrification and is unable to do so. |