The Blizzard Charity Auction benefitting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital continues as this week we introduce a new batch of retired server blades. Take a look at the list of recently opened auctions below and bid generously -- net proceeds will be donated to help children battling cancer and other deadly diseases.
For more details and to view the auction schedule of available realm blades, please visit our information page or go directly to the listings for North America or Europe to place your bid.

Aegwynn |
Dragonmaw |
Illidan |
Shu'halo |
Akama |
Draka |
Khadgar |
Silver Hand |
Alleria |
Drakkari |
Khaz'goroth |
Skullcrusher |
Altar of Storms |
Drak'thul |
Korialstrasz |
The Venture Co |
Aman'Thul |
Dunemaul |
Kul Tiras |
Thorium Brotherhood |
Azjol-Nerub |
Emerald Dream |
Lightninghoof |
Trollbane |
Barthilas |
Feathermoon |
Maelstrom |
Twisting Nether |
Blackhand |
Frostmane |
Maiev |
Ursin |
Blackwater Raiders |
Garithos |
Malorne |
Uther |
Blood Furnace |
Gilneas |
Mannoroth |
Vek'nilash |
Burning Legion |
Gnomeregan |
Muradin |
Ysera |
Cairne |
Greymane |
Nathrezim |
Zangarmarsh |
Coilfang |
Grizzly Hills |
Quel'dorei |
Dalaran |
Hakkar |
Ravenholdt |
Dark Iron |
Hydraxis |
Saurfang |
Dawnbringer |
Hyjal |
Shadow Council |
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