This is mostly directed at blizzard but if there is a discussion to be had, lets have it-
There are several quest items and old school items that are cool and i'm sure we would all like to transmorgify.
I for example, am a boxer in real life and would love to make my character a boxer if possible, and lucky me, Theldurin's fist is one handed! And there are other boxer's items as well, such as the Sliver-dog Headgaurd from a questline in STV, and aside from that i will most likely just have to get creative.
One problem is one handed fist weapons not working properly, it might be left/right oriented but be 1 handed. With no reverse model, so when you equip it in the wrong hand its backwards. Such is the case with my favorite boxing item :(. And there is no offhand version of it :(.
I'm sure there are other cases of this; so I just wanted some clarity as to what blizzard planned to do about this. If we bring attention to these I'm hoping blizzard will fix them in our favor, instead of just changing for example theldurins first into a mainhand and leaving me without the ability to box :(. If any of you can think of other cases of bugs similar to this (causing transmorg inconvenience) put it down here. Hopefully this gets some attention
We're rolling things out slow, for now. Some of the issues that you cited are part of the reason why main hand items cannot be transmogrified onto one-hand or off-hand items, as a matter of fact. For now, Transmogrification will still allow for unprecedented customization of how your character looks, and we'll continue to listen to your feedback. For now, though, some looks won't be perfectly achievable as it is planned to function. I hope that with creativity and persistence, you'll still be able to obtain a look that you can be proud of. |