Owning a piece of Blizzard Entertainment history has never been this easy -- or felt this good. We’ve just made a new batch of retired HP server blades available for auction. Take a look at the list of recently opened auctions below. Net proceeds from each auction will be donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
For more details and to view the auction schedule of available realm blades, please visit our information page or go directly to the listings for North America or Europe to place your bid.

Aggramar |
Cho'gall |
Icecrown |
Skywall |
Andorhal |
Crushridge |
Jubei'Thos |
Staghelm |
Anetheron |
Dalvengyr |
Kil'jaeden |
Steamwheedle Cartel |
Arathor |
Darrowmere |
Kilrogg |
Stormreaver |
Area 52 |
Dentarg |
Lightbringer |
Suramar |
Argent Dawn |
Detheroc |
Lothar |
Terokkar |
Arthas |
Doomhammer |
Malygos |
The Forgotten Coast |
Auchindoun |
Durotan |
Misha |
The Scryers |
Black Dragonflight |
Eonar |
Mug'thol |
Thunderlord |
Blackrock |
Eredar |
Nagrand |
Uldaman |
Blackwing Lair |
Executus |
Ner'zhul |
Uldum |
Blade's Edge |
Exodar |
Norgannon |
Windrunner |
Bonechewer |
Farstriders |
Ravencrest |
Wyrmrest Accord |
Borean Tundra |
Fenris |
Rivendare |
Zul'jin |
Bronzebeard |
Frostwolf |
Scarlet Crusade |