To be completely honest, the new talent idea is terrible.
Now allow me to explain:
You get 6 throughout your leveling process. 6. Not a great feeling of progression. Though no biggie because there will be way more level capped than leveling.
Now, wowhead has a talent calculator for mists of pandaria. I'm very much hoping that isnt the finished product. It seems a little gimpy, dry, and dare i say, homogenized and dull. I dont see how it seperates one mage from another when i was looking at them. Surely there were a couple more suited to pvp and others to pvp, but is this supposed to help make characters different? I think they've all become way closer to the same thing.
Go to your class' pandaria talent calculator and you will find what i mean. So in the case of mage, there will be no fire mage, arcane mage, but rather a mage that can polymorph 2 targets, or one that can polymorph one that is stunned if the polymorph is broken. That is all it comes down to.
I'm thinking a lot more people would rather cookie cutter specs than this to where the game is even more homogenized and your character actually has less of an identity.
Is this due to the bigger shift to pvp? Bearing in mind that pvp is the afterthought of the game and pve was what attracted more players and the lack of it being a major feature with a major lore character in pandaria to kill will lose more players as well.
This approach does not seem like a good path to take, and might be my least favorite part of the expansion when it goes live. But i am one player, a face in the crowd. I want to hear you guys comments on this. In my eyes, its a mistake to implement this talent system, atleast as is. I'm hoping they change it alotttttt or throw it out. Though the latter will probably not happen.
Final statement: the talent system introduced at blizzcon for mists of pandaria is so homogenized and goes completely against what the devs said they were aiming for and also seems to hurt pve-ers a lot in that you as a character have little identity and very few abilities set you apart from a pvper. In my case, seperating a frost mage and an arcane mage. In pandaria, it will just all be mages, and a difference between them will be whether or not they have the spell Slow or they have Blast Wave.
We'll be playing cleanup for sure, but thanks for laying it out there so concisely. |