Welcome to the Community News! There is always some interesting news, fan fiction, comic, artwork, guide or machinima that is worth sharing. In this blog we will provide you with a recap of this week's latest news and community highlights!

This week's news from Azeroth
Teh Gladiators Comic
In this latest comic strip, Teh Gladiators are learning the hard way that provoking ominous-looking plants isn't a very good idea.
Pulse 12/10/11
Check out some of the latest WoW news in the latest Pulse episode on YouTube! This week they take a look at more patch 4.3 goodness, check out the the new officially announced tradable Guardian Cub pet, another Tier 13 Preview, and more.
The WoWJuJu Reputation Calculator
This handy calculator can help you keep track of your reputation with all currently known factions in game. It can also tell you how to you reach your desired reputation level most efficiently. Identify which quests and dungeons you need to complete until the rewards you seek will be unlocked.
Hallows End Machinima
This merry little creation is dedicated to the current in-game event, Hallow's end, as posted by the French fan site 'Millenium': "Hallow's End is calling".
Found something cool or want to share your own creation? Let us know in the Events and Fan Creations forum and discuss your favourites! Also check out our Facebook and Twitter pages throughout the week, if you want to stay on top of community updates as they become available.