The time has come for you to own a piece of Blizzard Entertainment history, as the first batch of retired HP server blades are now available for auction. Net proceeds will be donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
For more details and to view the auction schedule of available realm blades, please visit our information page or go directly to the listings for North America or Europe to place your bid.

Agamaggan |
Eldre'Thalas |
Moon Guard |
Sisters of Elune |
Anub'arak |
Firetree |
Nazgrel |
Smolderthorn |
Azgalor |
Frostmourne |
Nesingwary |
Spinebreaker |
Azuremyst |
Garona |
Nordrassil |
Stonemaul |
Bloodscalp |
Garrosh |
Perenolde |
Stormrage |
Burning Blade |
Ghostlands |
Proudmoore |
Tanaris |
Cenarion Circle |
Gul'dan |
Quel'Thalas |
Terenas |
Cenarius |
Gundrak |
Ragnaros |
The Underbog |
Chromaggus |
Hellscream |
Rexxar |
Tortheldrin |
Daggerspine |
Kalecgos |
Runetotem |
Undermine |
Demon Soul |
Kirin Tor |
Sargeras |
Vashj |
Destromath |
Laughing Skull |
Scilla |
Velen |
Drak'Tharon |
Madoran |
Sen'jin |
Dreadmaul |
Magtheridon |
Sentinels |
Earthen Ring |
Medivh |
Shadowmoon |
Echo Isles |
Mok'Nathal |
Shandris |