Yesterday I started to level my mining again, it was pretty low around 50, I mined copper, tin, silver, gold and iron.
I started farming iron this afternoon again. My skill is at 190 now.
Yesterday I put many stacks( of 20) of copper, tin and iron on the AH, I vendored the stones, silver/gold ore.
I checked this afternoon after getting back from farming iron and lo and behold all my auctions had disappeared, nothing was in the mail.
Contacted GM, he said all he found was 5 copper ore.
What's goin' on Blizzard? Anyone else? I'd also like to point out that kalecgos (alliance) has very auctions going on at all times.
Are you certain of that? I've not seen a verified case of any item being placed on the Auction House simply disappearing. Usually what happens is that the person placed the items on the Neutral Auction House, so when they check the normal faction specific one they don't see their items and think they poofed. Brascus, you placed the Copper Ore on the Neutral Auction House, that is where it currently sits along with your Tin and Iron Ore. |
Unfortunately, Alphadragonx, I don't show any recent petitions regarding this matter. Only a recently abandoned petition that is a variation of what you posted here, which seems to continue the same abusive style that you have used in previous petitions.
Without anything more specific (i.e. what character placed the auctions, what items were placed, when this occurred, etc... ) I'd be unable to look further. Feel free to create your own thread with the relevant information when you are able to and I'll take a look. The same information can be submitted via an in-game petition as well to have a Game Master look into it. I'd recommend leaving out the vitriol and name calling, while we try to help when we can, that isn't much of a motivator. It seems that this thread is attracting all kinds of negative commentary so I'll be locking it. Thank you for all who participated with civility. |