I wonder how they want to do this, because WoW is an MMORPG. For single player games and certain restricted MMORPGs I think that is possible, but with servers where there are thousands and thousands of players?
By a restricted MMORPGs I mean a game whose content is created and started up by one player and the other players play on it. The computer on which the content is created and started is a temporary server, until everyone leaves that game session. Such a system I have seen in Warcraft II and III (not WoW). Randomized content I have seen in Diablo II, and hopefully it will be there in Diablo III.
I am sure everybody can agree that more player created content could be cool, but it would have to be done right. It would have to be something worthwhile and fun that people would want to make a part of their regular gameplay. One thing is certain, it would be a massive challenge to make player created content a proper and fully integrated part of the game ;-)
There could be many types of player created content though, so what do you have in mind? There are many questions to take into concern… What kind of player created content would appeal to people the most? What kind of content would be most fun in the long run? Would it have to be created outside of the game in some type of editor? Should it be something you could craft in-game somehow? Should it be instanced? Would such content have to be vanity or prestige content only, or should it be allowed to have some influence on overall gameplay and balance? Should it be bound to characters or guilds, or something you can trade? |