with transmog coming i was happy that i could have a little customization in my armor look. i figured i could get one of the badass tiers of yesteryears like everyone else. i saw a warlock in their tier 6 looking all cool and i was like "awesome! i can't wait to see what my class has"
well turns out we have nothing cool.im using the dressing room to try on all the tiers of armor, PVE and PVP and its all... it looks blaggggh.
I guess no one complained about it before cuz they never saw it while in a form, which leads me to ask
Who the hell demanded that Blizzard remove Tree Form so they could see.... THIS ALL THE TIME
I'm honestly at a lost.
I'm not saying all Druid Armor is bad. well. mostly its all bad. the nordrassil armor looks cool, and so does tier 11. everything else, save for some shoulders looks bad.
since druid sets aren't really my style, i guess ill try to find some armor that looks all troll-ish and voodooy and RP as a Witch Doctor.