As a matter of fact... this is already on the table. |
That, I'm less certain about. I will inquire! |
Eh? Neither set is currently available outside of the Deathknight starting area. |
Oh, lookalikes, right. Duh. I knew that. I was testing you. |
(╯ಠ益ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻ |
Oatmeal, generally sans raisins, but I'll make exceptions. For example: I made a bunch of iced oatmeal cookies (sans sans raisins) based on a celebrity chef's recipe and they were mind blowing. Seriously. Mind = blown. Cookie bliss in my mouf. Milk was mandatory. Off topic: DK starting greens are a possibility at this time. That's the best I got. |
The current plan is to make them available via Acherus, which necessarily precludes non-DKs. |
As a matter of fact... |
Okay, so, for clarification's sake, they'll be sold in Acherus, but, like most of its denizens, the vendor doesn't like non-DKs.
We've been pretty relaxed and playful about staying on topic in this thread, but I'm kind of reluctant to flip the serious switch and make this all about Blood tanking. There are changes coming, but I'm not in a position to discuss them just yet. So, while I don't have a lot in the way of specifics to report, a little more information should be coming soon (likely in the form of a blog) regarding changes to Blood tanking, as well as tanking in general, and that information should hit before the patch arrives. |