With Transmogrification coming up in 4.3, does anyone have sets already stashed? If not, does anyone have any idea what 'suit' they want to put together? C'mon, I want ideas and pretty pictures!
Anybody, anybody? Beuller? Let's have fun with this!
Well the last thread reached it's limit, so let's hit up another one! There were a few questions not answered in it so maybe I can help a bit.
08/22/2011 04:02 PMPosted by EverlastingQuestion: can you transmog to nothing? As a caster I always hated the shoulder pads and would like to go with just robes. It would also be cool to be a "weaponless" rogue that punches.
The answer is no last I checked, I've been hovering over the blue posts for all things Transmog. You CAN choose some really small ones though.
08/22/2011 04:32 PMPosted by ÈlphabaI have not had the time to read through the mountain of threads on this subject but I would like very much to understate my gear that I have collected. Will we be able to use Grey vendor gear to Tmog? If not can we ask the devs if this would be possible??
The current say so is as long as the gear's the right material (IE Mail,Cloth,Plate) and not Silly looking like the frying pan Weapon, you're fine.
Question for weapons-
If the weapon we want to transmogrify is unique, does that mean the skin can only be on one weapon?
Sorry if this has already been asked before.
Unique generally applies to a weapon that has procs or overparticular expensive stats, I don't see a good reason why "unique" would effect an item if it's being 'Mogged onto another.