Let's face it, Transmogrification is going to end Blizzards creativity when it comes to gear design. What's the point of Blizzard trying to astound people with aesthetics anymore now that every paladin in the world is going to resemble a banana. This is by no means a hate thread, it's simply a debate thread.
In my humble opinion, Blizzard has no need to try and make great looking gear anymore now that everyone will be rolling around in Vanilla gear. No longer will we see new tiers that are Transmogrification worthy like the majority of the low level tier was. If anyone would bring up this problem, I can picture them passing it off with a simple "try Transmogrifying your gear to make it look better." Maybe I'm just over reacting, maybe I'm not. What does everyone else think? P.S. People have brought up the idea that there should be an interface button to disable viewing of Transmogrified items, this seems like it would be a pain to make but I think it's the best solution I've heard yet. Then at least it would be a win-win, if you wanted to RP some with some friends in old gear you could, but if you wanted to raid without seeing people looking like all different colors of power rangers, you could too. Thoughts? |
Honestly, I disagree. I think there will always be players who want to roll in the latest set, and our artists take great pride in their work, so they will always try to make all the art for new gear as awesome as they can. For players who are between full sets, Transmogrification offers a cool opportunity to sport a 'complete' look, and enjoy favorite gear art from the past. Few players will want to look the same all the time though, so I expect that new art and new tier sets will remain in demand. |
The question is a bit off topic for this thread, but yes. The item must be in your possession, and you have to be able to use (wear it), at the time of the Transmogrification.
Another excellent point. |
If you want to obtain the look of gear that you've deleted in the past, then yes, you'll need to farm that old gear back. Opening a petition for that old gear isn't likely to bear fruit unless the item was deleted quite recently (usually within a month or two). Please don't submit a petition as a shot in the dark, since that just bogs down the system for everyone. Alts can hang onto cool looking quest items and drops that they get while leveling, to use with the feature. It won't be limited to tier items, but that does mean that if they want to sport a full set of tier 5, then yes, they'll need to acquire it, just as any other character would. We are interested in providing a means for players to purchase certain gear sets which aren't available for one reason or another, such as the dungeon sets or death knight starter set. Such a vendor would not provide access to all the gear a player has ever owned, though. Like most features, this one will probably be most useful to those who are willing to invest the time in getting the most out of it. Or, at least, those who already had items that they like the look of laying around. Speaking strictly for myself, I plan to have fun revisiting those old raids to build sets that I disposed of in the past. |
We're hoping to find ways to make it interesting. Oh, did you know that the Darkmoon Faire will be back, and more spectacular than ever before? I mean, yes, carnies are scary, but still. Cool, huh? |
Sarcasm noted. Well, you could get the stuff you're interested in now, instead of waiting for 4.3, and 'mog it' when the patch goes live. Transmogrification presents an option, not an obligation. |
We would like to make sets that are no longer accessible available in some fashion. That doesn't necessarily mean that every set ever introduced will become available again, though.
Some of the basics are covered in the blog we posted on Transmogrification: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/3309048#blog |
![]() Traditionally, quest rewards haven't used unique models. That tends to be reserved for raid and dungeon gear (though there may be exceptions I'm unaware of). |
Oh, okay. Um, so, what would determine what items each character had access to? An achievement? Having looked at a boss that one time? Walked into a particular zone, perhaps? Would all characters get access to all armor art every time a new item is introduced, forever? Perhaps all characters would just get access to all the art from prior to Transmogrification -- but what about new characters? Why should they get access to all that art? What meaning would there be to a character's appearance, at all, in such a system? It's less short-sighted than you think, and it's hardly an unreasonable requirement. It's actually quite neat and tidy. In the short term, it's a bit frustrating for those that already had the gear at one time (I'm one of them). In the long term, we feel that it's the most elegant method of approaching the issue of restricting Transmogrification. I'm sorry that you feel otherwise. |
As I understand it, you should be able to use the same ![]() As far as dual wielding goes, it can get slightly tricky because, while one-hand weapons can be used on two target one-handed weapons, a mainhand weapon could only be used on another mainhand weapon, while an offhand weapon would only work on another offhand. |
I don't expect that everyone will agree with our implementation. Still, there are reasons, both design-based and technical, that make the system we've chosen a vastly better option than the proposals I've seen in this thread. That isn't an aspect of the system that's really subject to change. |
We're starting things relatively slow. There may be a day in the future where some un-statted items can be Transmogrified, or other restrictions are eased. For now, we're going to see how the system works once it's been released "into the wild" first. |
If you can use it, and it has stats, and the target is the same kind of armor (plate to plate, for example), then you can probably Transmogrify it.
Nope, you could use that one Tier 2 chest to Transmogrify any number of other chest pieces. |
1. Since the possibility of easing restrictions is merely a possibility, rather than a likelihood, it's probably best that I not speculate. 2. I believe that an item with a proc, like a ![]() |