My quarrel is how the GM's are trained to handle someone getting reported. First off, anyone can report someone. I don't have a problem with that. If someone is harassing you via whisper, and they are reported, then they should be dealt with accordingly. But trade chat, is a free market. A free market, where freedom of speech should not be imposed upon.
I realize that some children play this game. But there are also adults who play it too. And all of these people pay real money to play this game. As the box says, experience may change when online. This game is rated T for Teen because it does not contain graphic violence. Starcraft is rated M for Mature because it contains graphic violence. But both games have chat features which is what makes an online game so fun to play.
If someone is not mature enough to handle random cursing, then they should have the Mature Language Filter turned on. That is why it was included in the game.
This game contains a chat feature. Bad things are bound to happen when that is present. But how can you single out people you choose, only because someone reported them? That's quite discriminatory.
Like I said, people pay good money to play this game, and they shouldn't be fearful when they post something in trade chat that they might get banned. If someone is harassing or making threats of violence via whisper, they should be dealt with accordingly.
Hiya Dalcybe,
After reading what was exactly said in trade chat, that you feel is "freedom of speech", unfortunately, does not belong in the World of Warcraft environment. You can say those types of things if you wish, outside of the game, but while in game there are rules and you agreed to them, if you did by chance missed these rules, I will leave them for you here: Harassment Policy Trade chat should not be used for this type of behavior. |