t11 helms and shoulders should be avaible for justice points so nonraiders have access to them so you can complete your t11 set without raid or make them be a guarrented drop that every one gets at least do that. they should cost jp cus you should be able to 5 man ur way to the previous tier u could in wrath and some what in bc
As of this moment, there aren't any plans to make those items available for Justice Points. That doesn't necessarily mean that those items are still out of reach, though. We re-tuned the tier 11 raid instances in the hopes that players who haven't seen that content might be willing to give them a shot. If you don't have a group of friends or guild mates that are interested in trying out those raids, the Raid Browser is an under-used tool that can be convenient for getting a raid group started, or for filling the gaps in your raid composition. (For those who are unaware, the Raid Browser is available as a menu button at the bottom of your interface titled 'Raid') |