I can't seem to find a blue post on this...
Casino's seem to have proliferated on my server and they are as annoying as hell, not to mention obnoxious when these people try to relieve kids of their gold who have no idea how probability/chance works. Am I wasting my time reporting these sp(sc)ammers?
Thanks for any info.
Though I believe it's been covered I wanted to clarify: Using any method of communication in-game to advertise a casino or other form or gambling would be a violation of our policies. This includes /yell, /say and /whisper. You may otherwise run or participate in one in-game as long as in doing so you are not violating other policies (i.e. spamming, scamming, etc...). I think Eilethalua has the particulars pretty well covered. |
Well... if you consider the time you spent in an instance fighting the mobs and boss as your investment/wager... you could consider the chance of getting loot and winning that loot the possible payoff. :)
I would agree with Eilethalua, it is likely that they are working their way up the penalty volcano. If you witness the same behavior feel free to report it again. |