It’s time to get warmed up for the free HD live stream of the 2011 European Invitational. We’ve begun uploading free VoDs from some of the best StarCraft II, Warcraft III and World of Warcraft matches from last year’s event, and there’s a new video waiting for you!
StarCraft II show match #2: Liquid`TLO vs. SK.MaDFroG
Take a look at these highly intense games between two skilled StarCraft II pro gamers. Over the course of five nail-biting matches you can delve into the ancient hatred between the terran forces and the zerg swarm and get a taste of what awaits you during this year’s European Invitational.

Game 1 – So close and yet so far apart
Scrap Station is the name of the game for the first clash of the second show match series. Well known to old-school players for its very close drop locations but very long walking distance, this map lends itself to some crazy air play—and with “The Little One” there is more than a good chance for just that!
Game 2 – Siege me baby one more time
On Lost Temple the ferocious struggle between terran and zerg continues. In years past the Temple had not been shattered yet and thus might spell disaster for our vicious little friends. Has the swarm got what it takes to deny the high ground advantage for terran and claw its way back into the game?
Game 3 – Putting the “cool” up and down the cliff
More high ground and lots of juicy expansions can be found on Kulas Ravine. Vikings, Reapers and drops are only some options to harass the living hell out of peacefully-expanding zerg players. On the other hand there is lots of free space for flanking attacks and Zergling surrounds—who will make it?

Game 4 – The Zergling next door
With a relatively easy-to-defend backdoor expansion, Delta Quadrant at first glance may seem like a map that encourages a safe, macro style of play. But whoever lets his guard down might regret that rather quickly…
Game 5 – Showdown above urban skies
Though Metalopolis might lack a certain super hero, it has seen more action on its skyscraper roofs than any other city… ever! Only fitting it should host the super-exciting final of the second show match series and give you a taste of the thrills that await at the 2011 European Invitational!
Visit our site dedicated to the 2011 European Invitational frequently, as we'll keep updating it with free VoDs and more!