Hello everybody,
I recently joined a pug bwd run with my alt char and got ninja'ed. I have done absolutely nothing wrong. As blizzard asked us to do, I made leader confirm the loot rules. "All items will be rolled for and highest roller will recieve the item. Mainspec users will have priority"
A cloth shoulder from nefarian dropped me and another priest rolled for it, I won the roll, still leader gave the item to the other priest, I made a ticket to GM, and since GM thinks the leader gave the item to the other priest by mistake, he said he couldnt give it back to me.
I ask you now blizzard. What else could I do better to enjoy a ninja free pug? Please tell me.
I appreciate that you feel frustrated that you missed out on an item Savante, but when you report issues like this to us we will fully investigate and then make a decision based on the information we find. If you are unhappy with the way the petition was handled, then like Gontier and Shammoz both mention, please send an e-mail to [email protected] where it will be looked at by senior management.
As Shammoz also points out, even if action was taken against the Master Looter there is no guarantee that you will get the item in question and it may be best to speak to the current item holder and see if they will give it to you instead. |