This is ridiculous. Its not my addons, updated them, disabled them, the whole shabang. I deleted my wtf, interface, and cache folder. My internet is working perfectly, Its not a computer issue, and I've been playing over 4 years and this is the first DC issue ive had post patch. Anyone else experiencing these annoying DC's? Any comments from a blue?
Can you run a trace route to Dentarg, Jynne? This may just be a temporary issue somewhere along the line through the Internet. Hit the Windows Key + R, and type: cmd In the command window, type: tracert > c:\trace.txt You'll want to use your own realm's IP address in the example above, which you can find here: It will take a few minutes to finish, and will make a trace.txt file on your c: drive. Open the trace.txt file, and copy and paste the contents into a new post. Please put "pre" tags (Code Blocks) around the results. When your Trace hits our network, you will see this in the last several lines of the Trace Route: * * * Request timed out. This is normal, and intentional, on our part. Our network is set to not respond to Trace Routes. Please also show or describe or email your Trace Route to your ISP. They can fully interpret and diagnose your Trace Route in detail, and run further tests. ________________________________________________ Account and Technical Services If the Forum isn't helping, contact a Support Rep directly: 'There's an old saying about those who forget history. I don't remember it, but it's good.' Rate Me! |