--<REMOVED>--, was an officer of the guild --<REMOVED>--, i was GM. He one day, (Sunday, June-12th), promoted everyone to Officer Alt and said the guild bank was up for grabs and you can take everything. I lost alot of mats. Someone of the guildies returned the stuff as did not. I put in a ticket and blizz did nothing yet again. (Second time a theif has not been penalized).
The next day, (Monday, June-13th), he trolls the h3ll out of my guild. He spams my vent in trade. Comes onto my vent and trols me. That if he could he will kill me etc. -- He told me this isn't the first guild he has done this to. He has gotten away with 3 guilds on Darrowmere. And now mine as I'M told. HE TOLD ME ON VENT THAT THIS WAS HIS 30TH GUILD. I know he can't get banned thru via ventrillo. But still he is harrassing me and my guildies. PLEASE HELP ME. HELP MY GUILD. Please, anyone. We really need it.
As always, the guild leader of the guild sets permissions as to what abilities each rank has. If someone has been promoted to a rank that can access the bank, promote/invite/kick, etc... then that is what they are permitted to do. We are unable to intervene in such cases, there simply is no violation. If the person gained access to the guild/rank through false information (i.e. impersonating another member) that would fall under our scam policy and can be investigated as such. For any violations that have taken place in-game, such as spamming or other forms of harassment. http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/20455 We have no jurisdiction over anything that takes place outside of game, including your vent channel, if you feel that a threat made there has validity you'll need to contact your local authority. |