Posted by Valerie
Losing the dice roll =/= Ninja looting
I think what you want is a system that keeps people from rolling on the gear you want because you don't believe they deserve it to the same degree you do. There are already restrictions in place that keep people from rolling on items they can't use. We don't want to begin restricting what people can roll on based on current spec, because that's not a black or white situation, which is how the system would need to be set up to work how you'd like.
There are some surefire ways to avoid or seriously cut down on situations like this, but it should be understood that if you enter into Dungeon Finder your rolls can go up against the rolls of someone else, regardless if you think you should get preference or not.
If you're looking for a certain item, I'd let the group know before the first pull and ask if anyone else is going to roll need on it. If nothing else it'll show everyone your intent, and put anyone on display who (at the consensus of the group) isn't playing by what you'd consider to be fair.
I cannot post on the USA forums... but anyway. For the longest time I've been unable to understand why the blizzard people don't understand where these complaints are coming from. Or if they do understand it, they do not sound like it, from the content of what's posted.
It's SO the wrong deal that a tank thinks he deserves the gear more than a DPS. It's completely not 'it'. It's really this simple:
A tank goes into the 5-man - - his gear and his talents are specialized for tanking. 100% specialized, just like everyone else is specialized for their role. Then, you get a platemail DPS wearer who's specialized as well. But then, they are allowed to snatch loot away from one another, and from the tank's perspective, it may as well be a clothie mage who snatched that tank gear. That tank is the only tank in the group, the snatcher wasn't in the group as the tank, and it's an unfair mess . It's equally unfair when a platemail-wearing tank goes snatching the DPS gear, maybe even moreso because the wait for DPS in the queue is longer.
I've never understood why this point seems to be not understood. It is really obvious to me. The fair way to do this is allowing priority to the role + equippability (hm is that a word?).
I also wonder why, as a hunter, I'm allowed to roll need on bop tank backs? and tank rings? Anything like that should be off limits to me regardless of the fact that I can physically equip it. It makes me rage a little inside whenever I see tank gear pop up and because of what I consider incomplete design, I can roll against the tank for it.
I hope you guys actually understand, and its something you don't have the ability to do yet (because perhaps it would take a lot of setup and reclassification). You guys are the best in the entire industry at this stuff and I struggle to believe that you really don't understand. But, if you do, youall don't show it when you post :(.