I’ve been reading the forums a while now and came across quite a few posts complaining about people harassing, cursing and other violations. I two have a problem with these people but not as much. /ignore. However this is flawed, when you ignore someone all it does is ensure they won’t bug you but someone else is fair game. I’ve been thinking and came up with a relatively simple solution for this growing problem.
First off, there needs to be an easy way to report people. Right now you can report a player for spamming, that’s it. For anything else you need to fill out a ticket and nobody wants to do that. (Unless they are being harassed badly) and tickets are not designed towards that as far as I know. This system would have a list of miner things such as language, trolling, spamming, and any other minor violations. You wouldn’t have to write anything but it would go on that persons log and then when he gets busted, a GM can go and see that he has 13 cases of language and 19 cases of trolling ECT. I know that blizzard can’t bust people for this harshly but it would be nice for them to see and use as a, hey you have x infractions, watch it.
Then there could be a separate place to put people who are harassing, bullying, botting or any major violations. This section would have you fill out a small report and then the GMs could look at his record and see what infractions he has managed to stack up leading to a suspension. Most of these people have a middle school mentality. Treat them as if they were in school and would get suspended for infractions. It could also notify parents that their kids are being naughty in video games in a scenario such as this. When the account is suspended, the kid isn’t playing, the mom finds out he was being a jerk in the game, and she cracks down on him. Now he has to deal with a suspension and his mother. Do you think he will do it again? Maybe but eventually he will get better.
I would really appreciate feedback on this matter from the community and what they think!!
Edit for spacing.
There’s not much I can say to your proposal, Minihitbox. As long as this conversation remains constructive, I’ll let this thread continue to grow. I did, however, want to speak to the following post:
That couldn't be further from the truth, Westridge. Please understand that while the optional Mature Language Filter is a great tool to help make World of Warcraft a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone, it does not excuse any player from adhering to our policies regarding communicating in the game (or on the forums). The Terms of Use define Rules of Conduct that must be followed when playing World of Warcraft, including rules related to chat and interaction with other players. Any breach of these terms can, and often does, result in an account penalty ranging from a warning to closure of the account. The severity of the penalty is based on the severity of the infraction and how often a player has violated our policies in the past. |
As a general reminder, please keep this conversation constructive. If you don't have anything constructive to add to the conversation, it may be better that you simply don't add to it.
If it is verbal harassment that you are dealing with, you should be able to Shift+Left Click the name, while the Submit a Ticket is open, and it will autofill the name into that window. If that is not an option, you may always describe the name to the Game Master. An example would be the name Ãuryk - you can simply say that the name is Auryk with a symbol over the "A" the better you can describe that symbol the easier it will be for use. The Game Master staff is pretty good about finding such characters though. :0) |