There has been a website running for sometime now that promises to raise player arena ratings in return for money. There has also been a stream running on that publicizes the website. It seems to me that these skilled arena players are violating Blizzards terms and rules. They are giving players rating they did not earn on their own and they are profiting off of Blizzards intellectual property.
To quote there advertisement on xfire, [removed]
I'm very surprised Blizzard hasn't given these players a ban they so richly deserve.
Heya Turdfurgeson,
You can submit a petition in game to report this or you can also use the hacks webform to report it here: We will investigate all players involved. For those of you that may have posted with inappropriate language, and missed the Code of conduct, you can find this here: Also, if there is an issue with what someone else has posted, it is best to report the post using the features available to you, then to call them out directly. Thank you. |