•Players can no longer skin corpses already being actively skinned or looted by other players.
post from Mmo champion..does the last part mean no more skins from other peoples kills?? "or looted by other players." The way i read this is you can only now skin from your own kills....or does this just mean while the other player is looting and or skinning it themself so that you cant try and steal the skins out from under them. Oh and if thats the case then they need to apply that same deal to herbs so that tauren's cant try and steal them after you already are picking them so they cant grab them out of under you also....
but if the skinning is true then farming them is going to really suck now..lol hopefully im just reading too much into it
(FYI that patch note is a repost of our own patch note blog updates)
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/2723732#blog Anyway, yeah, if someone is in-process of skinning something it taps it for them and you will not be able to begin skinning it. |