I'd like to take a stab at this one.
No Blizzard employee is allowed this type of special privilege in the game. While we do receive perks for working here (such as free Blizzard games), we still play our games like everyone else. The only way to know gameplay and stay in touch with the community is to play the game normally with the community. :)
Sometimes, though I definitely don't stick with one clique of players. I play with friends and coworkers a fair amount, but I also spend a good deal of time playing solo and grouping with strangers (maybe even you!). |
I do like other games too. I work here 'cause I'm a gamer, not game 'cause I work here. I don't need to lie about my experiences in WoW though to cover up what other games I play. When I feel like playing WoW, I do. When I feel like playing something else, I do. ;) |
That's a better discussion for the Games, Gaming and Hardware forum: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/2721885/ ;)
Of course I do! I always try to be nice and communicative with people when I'm in a random group. Rarely have I had many problems with the attitude or capability of each of the other players.
All I'll say is I do like MMORPGs. I think we all have a chance to be better employees by trying other games out there. Whether or not a game is competition for us, the fact remains that we got into the business of making video games because we love playing video games. :D |
I live in a three-dimensional world of great complexity, so it's difficult to entertain your argument of "A + B cannot equal C if A + X = Salsitas Original Salsa Chips..." tasty though they may be right now. You claim I'm lying about playing the game because I "obviously don't play a mage." I didn't even say anything about playing a mage in my original post, so your claim that I'm a liar is a complete non sequitur. To your point though, you're wrong anyway. I've spent many hours playing a mage and have been frustrated with the Blink issue as well. The problem is, with the way WoW's engine works, the issue is not necessarily with the spell itself, but with the terrain. We've done a lot of work to reduce the number of Blink failures in the game, but the battles wages on. |
Wow, just wow. I know that if I walked into a store and one of their customer servicers said Salsitas to my face, I would have them fired. How the mighty have fallen. |
Not much, particularly at the endgame. Nethaera, Bashiok, Kaivax, and Lylirra have much more experience with all three specs of the priest class. We have varying degrees of experience with each class, but our team overall is pretty well rounded as far as class representation and playstyles go. ;)
I play on both. I'd say overall I prefer PvE servers though. It's not that I'm scared of PvP. At many points in my WoW history my primary focus has been on PvP. While leveling though, I tend to like reading quest text, scrutinizing items, etc., plus I multi-task a lot and do stuff around the house, so I usually prefer PvE realms where I don't have to worry about getting ganked. |
Weren't they removed in a recent patch? |