Blizzard wysłany: 15 lat temu It was a Friday night and the Community was pumpin' And the fansites were thumpin' and comics were jumpin' And threads on the forums bumpin ' Fansites: Polish site have updated their site with a translation of “Fire and Iron”, Patch 4.2 PTR Patch notes, and an article about Blizzard supporting the Make-A-Wish foundation. Italian site Battlecraft.It have posted about the Arena Pass 2011, as well as a piece about Forsaken lore. Czech & Slovak site have two video guides up for Cho’Gall and the Conclave of Wind. Swedish site Levelcap.Se have an article up about 4.2 being on the Public Test Realms. Hungarian site WoW-Hungary is taking a look at the Raven addon, which amongst other things is excellent for monitoring buffs, debuffs and cooldowns. Weekly Comics: Looking for Group: Your’re on my hat. Beyond the Tree: Collecting Monetaries Arena Inside: The Convention Blood and Thunder: The Rise of Noblegarden: Part 2 The Daily Blink: The Future of Crowd Control Torment of the Week: Two-way brick mirrors Daily Quests: Desperate Times Lorgrokni's Travels: Sneak Like Men Coffin Comics: Origin Of The Species: Trolls and Elves Complex Actions: Stick to the issues at hand, folks Altaholics: Spear GU comics: 525 Cooking and still no ketchup Forum Watch: What is the hardest class to master? Which potions are in highest demand? What is the weirdest /w you have ever got in the game? How do you think the end of Deathwing will happen? What is the coolest quest that you have ever done? Here is a question for the roleplayers out there: what exactly is roleplaying and why do you do it? The Cataclysm has destroyed many sanctuaries of old, yet new havens of refuge have appeared… where is your favourite place in the game now? Fan Creations [Fan film]: Murloc [Player Event]: Return of the Argent Tournament [Video]: Weekly Review: Patch 4.whaaaat?!