Despite the risk of getting a load of you know what from others on how I should just quit the game if I'm having this kind of problem( and yes, I admit I am assuming).
But is it possible to be Dungeon Shy? I have been afraid to go into dungeons with people who are not my friends, those few who still play, or my guild mates,who are on very infrequently. Plainly put, I have "performance anxiety".
I am frightened of getting into a group that I'm afraid I will disappoint them as I don't know all the dungeons nor the bosses, nor do I have phenomonal gear.
A silly thread, I know, but am I the only one who feels this way?
Is it possible to be dungeon shy? Sure. Even if you're playing with people you know, it's understandable that you don't want to let them down. The key is to not let it stop you from going in and giving it a shot anyway. Once you start doing them regularly, you'll start gaining more self confidence. Then, when you get to that point, start pushing yourself to take on other less comfortable roles (leading, guiding others through dungeons) and you'll find out soon enough that you can do anything you set your mind to and will enjoy your time more.
I doubt that you are. Especially with how much has been made of player performance in dungeons, it can feel as though you're under a lot of pressure before you've ever set foot inside an instance. There are things you can do on your part to help make sure that your first runs go smoothly. First and foremost, you can seek out friends or guild members that you can run the instance with who will be patient and tolerant as you figure things out. If that's not an option, then instead of joining the Random queue, you could queue for a specific dungeon instead. Perhaps having the opportunity to read up about the bosses or watch videos of how to beat them before you run the instance will help ease any anxiety you have about plunging in. Finally, it never hurts to read up on your class, how to get the most out of it and what it takes to optimize your performance. Players on the class and roles forum are sure to have recommendations regarding up to date and useful resources you can consult. Since dungeons are a cooperative effort, making yourself an effective team member will probably be appreciated by your party members. |
Or, did a necro get caught in me? |