With 4.2, we’re introducing the new World of Warcraft Dungeon Journal. The feature is currently deep in development, so while we don't have anything to show off just yet, we’ve put together a FAQ with a bit of information. Please enjoy!
Q: What is the Dungeon Journal?
Q: How will I access it?
Q: Will I have to experience a dungeon or encounter in order to see the associated Dungeon Journal content?
Q: What will it show me?
Players can access boss information by clicking on boss icons on the map, or by clicking on the boss’ name in the associated tab of the dungeon/raid map page. General loot information for the dungeon/raid can also be accessed from the dungeon/raid main page by clicking on the Loot tab. This will show all loot dropped - from bosses and trash - in the instance, of a certain quality. Boss abilities will be available via the boss’ page, either by clicking on the map or by going through the Dungeon tab. The Dungeon tab on the boss’ page will list out all major spells, abilities, and phases for that fight. Q: Are the descriptions going to be simplified or detailed?
Q: Will this include adds?
Q: What bosses will be included in 4.2?
We'll provide a more comprehensive look at the Dungeon Journal, including the interface and examples of the information it provides, as we move closer to the release of 4.2. Have fun storming the castle! |
You mistake this implementation as a walk-through. While you will be told the items and abilities the boss will employ, it will not tell you when, how much damage, where to stand etc. This is merely an extra in-game tool to help players get into the encounters, understand them a little better, and enjoy them. The ability to take down the boss is still soundly within player hands and abilities. |
We're planning to include a little bit of flavor lore associated with each boss. |
I wanted to come back to this thread to update and clarify some information that I provided previously on how much information we plan to add to the Dungeon Journal. We actually do plan to provide specific information on the abilities and damage that will be done as well as information on the phases. We will not, however, be providing any strategies on how to defeat the bosses. That will be solely up to you to figure out. We hope that by providing this information in an easily accessible way, that it will help people be able to spend their time in game actually taking on these encounters more than spending it out of game doing research.
There has to be a certain balance between the amount of information shared. We want to make sure that what we're sharing is of value to those interested in it, without it being "tldr" for others. We want people interested, we just don't want to overwhelm people either. We'll see how it goes though. |