This is my point of MANY contructive ctriticisms
I am getting ripped off because I am the lowest on the dps meter.
Making dungeons suck 1-85.
I did some research and I am the lowest dps because I don't have many AoE attacks.
On top of being the lowest DPS (healers aren't dps), I also wait 30-45minutes for LFD.
Making this game thoroughly unejoyable to me, making me want to roll an other class before I even get gear for this rogue!
Next:Then when I am finally in a dungeon the group falls apart because the tank leaves.
Making me wait an other 30-45minutes for a group to begin.Since we are using battle groups to form groups I think that the que time should be reduced because of the extra time I am wasting sitting around.
Also:PvP Que times are really bad, with "MILLIONS of players playing W.o.W," why should I have to wait 30minutes to get into a 15-20minute battle ground?
This is what usually happens in every thread with constructive criticism:
Which is an other HUGE point I want to make.
Guy A says: The patch sucked.
Guy B says: QQ (Without knowing wtf the patch even did).
Guy C says: Something mean about both comments.
/\ Is what happens every other forum post.
\/ Something completely random
Then the one says: We gotta do something about this, Blizzard must change things!
Then the one remembers that people like to enjoy themselves by making fun of other people becomes discouraged because they can't agree on anything!
/\ Something completely random
\/ Some common next posts
Then some one random says: The games for fun, so have fun.
\/ Next post
Then a an other people says: Your not entitled to any fun, you paid 15$ just like everyone else.
\/ The point
Everyone who wants this game to be more enjoyable, will probably never have an enjoyable because of the people who criticize the one who disapproves of the complaint because they can't thoroughly understand it.
Glad you got to know my point:
Complainers on forums=GOOD
This game got really bad and unbalanced, and less enjoyable.
I think that we should start a thread to point out exactly what we do not like about this game.
Also I am thinking we should start a thread that shows blizzard exactly what we like about this game.
General Discussion is the forum column, lets try to make this game better so that blizzard could make some more money.
Actually, non-constructive complaints are useless. Constructive and polite feedback is infinitely more useful.
We are our own worst critics by far, and we're constantly striving to improve. That said, simply screwing up your face, holding your nose and saying 'I don't like it' doesn't help; nor does utterly dismissing the opinions of those who do like it. |
Your post wasn't constructive because it was abusive and dismissive toward anyone who does not believe as you do. It doesn't open a dialogue and it simply makes (incorrect) assertions. In sum, it was the opposite of the kind of feedback that we look for. If you're genuinely interested in improving World of Warcraft, then constructive feedback is the way to go, because that's the kind of communication that we find valuable.
That's actually, literally, incorrect. That's not constructive criticism, nor constructive posting. In short, it's not the kind of thing that provides us any insight or helps us improve the experience. |
By necessity we can and do expect it to be. Simply put, there are rules for posting here, and they're designed to help us get the best possible feedback as well as contribute to a better space for players to discuss their ideas with each other. If it's not possible for you to express your ideas without insults, no one else is under any obligation to take them into account. This thread and the links it contains are good reading: |