So, let me get this straight.... Blizzard creates this beautiful city called Gilneas, spends time, money, effort in making this great detailed city with beautiful surroundings, music, people, etc. All this effort to be an abandoned place and only usable in levels 1-12.......ooooo#**#**k and my home ends up being Darnassus... ewww common is this a joke?? Imagine Gilneas the way stormwind is now, it would be the most beautiful city.
All I got to say is you Blizzard people are weird and kinda stupid (no disrespect really).
Both goblins and worgens get great stories and quest zones but neither get their own city...Im very dissapointed especially with how the worgen story ended....
We didn't want to tempt you with other cities you'd never want to visit.
BURN! (on us maybe) Losing your starting city, homes, etc. just fit with the Cataclysm vibe. It's one of the few places where I think that ultimate devastation really played out. Obviously more literally for the Goblins, but similarly for Worgen. But even with that similar thread of 'loss, they're different stories, and the battle rages on to this day to control Gilneas. Much like the other battlegrounds, it's lost to no one, and sought by all. |