I would have posted this under a more accurate location (World of Warcraft>Forums>Website Feedback>Website Features) but it appears that website feedback is only on the US forums.
The first concern that I have is that search function on this website is, unfortunately, pathetic.
It offers practically no options for narrowing down your search, such as;
-the specific forum you want to search within
-more accurate dating options (Today, last 7 days, last month, or older)
-search the body of the post or just the title only.
It could also do with a checkbox for "Blizzard responses only". How are we supposed to find blue responses to questions already answered if we have to sift through pages and pages of player posts to find them? It's this kind of inability to find answers that leads people to make new threads asking the question again and again.
Mainly, though, it's horribly innacurate. Sorting the search results by relevance appears to have no effect whatsoever, and I often find that threads with the exact title I was looking for are waaay down on the list, beneath posts which only have a brief mention of the search term somewhere in the body of the post. What's up with that?
Please, I know it's hard work but think of the time that we could all save if the search function was superbly precise at finding what you wanted. I just tried to find a Blizzard response on the issue of player/guild housing, but the forum search got me nowhere.
This leads me to my second concern about the new forums; I have since found that Google is a MUCH better way to find the exact answers you're looking for than using the forum's inbuilt search option. Give it a try, search for something commonly discussed like "tri spec" or "player housing" in the forum search, and the google search. See which one finds you the discussion you were looking for. However, links that lead to the old forums are now dead ends. They simply re-direct you to the main forum homepage.
Again, when someone asks a question which has already been discussed, and answered by a Blizzard employee, how are we supposed to find it if the thread can no longer be reached through the old link.
Without the ability to find posts ourselves through google or the search function, we are reduced to people asking the same questions again and again.
Please, if anyone else is suffering the same problems, give'us a thumbs up, hopefully if enough people are having the same concerns, we might get some improvements in the pipeline. Maybe not today, but "Soon". ;)
These are indeed valid concerns, in fact we are perfectly aware that the search function needs improvement. We recently commented on the search function in another thread on this topic:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1849933636#2 |